The One Thing That Will Change Your Marriage | Craig Groeschel

Sunday, February 18

Today we’ll discuss the message Pastor Craig Groeschel spoke at Free Chapel on February 18 during the ‘Better Together’ series. We’ll discuss prayer – a simple yet pivotal tool that Believers have at our disposal. This tool has the power to transform marriages and other relationships. The challenge and the application of today’s discussion is integrating it into our everyday lives. 

If we embrace it, prayer will help us to navigate life’s conflicts, deepen relationships, align more closely with God’s will. Make no mistake, there is a difference between a Christian couple and a Christ-centered couple. 

Regardless of our marital or parental status, we, as believers, should strive to be Christ-centered, using prayer as a cornerstone for building strong, God-honoring relationships.  

Understanding Genesis 2:18-24

Woman was the final piece of God’s creation. He had the option of forming her from the earth, like he did with man. But he decided to make her from the man’s body. By doing this, he showed us that in marriage man and woman join together as one in flesh. 

Genesis 2:18-24 (NIV) 

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” 

19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.But for Adam  no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs  and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib  he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 

23 The man said,“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” 

24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. 

God created marriage for Adam and Eve as a blessing. He gave marriage three main features: (1) The man departs from his parents and pledges himself to his wife; (2) the man and woman bond with each other by caring for each other’s well-being and by cherishing each other more than anyone else; and (3) the two become one in the closeness and fidelity of sexual relationship, which is exclusive for marriage. Healthy marriages embody all three of these features. 

  • How does this passage from Genesis help us understand God's intention for relationships and marriage? 

In verse eighteen, we see that nothing God created so far proves to be “fit for” the man. We learn that God made a “Helper” (Hebrew, ‘ezer) who supplies strength in the area that is lacking in “the helped.” 

  • In what ways does the creation of Eve as a "helper suitable" for Adam show the idea of teamwork in marriage? 

Contrasting God's Design with the World's Influence

Matthew 6:33 (NIV) “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 

Jesus’ disciples need to resolve the issue of what matters most. They need to be distinct from those who do not believe, whose main concerns are ease, safety, wealth, style, etc. 

Jesus’ disciples should prioritize God’s will above all else in order to enjoy fruitful relationships. 

The Enemy not only wishes to distract us from seeking God, but he seeks to destroy our relationship with God and others. 

  • In his message, Pastor Craig mentioned, "God wants to unite; the Devil wants to divide." Can you identify examples from your own life or those around you where you've seen this play out? 
  • Talk about how the idea of looking for ‘the one’ to make us happy is different from what the Bible says to love God more than anything (Matthew 22:36-37). How does this change how we relate to others? 

[Leaders, have your group read this together.] “We as Christians are to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first. This means we seek the ways and values of God. We seek the heart of God. We seek the truths of God. We seek the will of God. We seek the principles of God. And then everything else will be added unto us. Society has it all wrong. Society says seek what makes you happy.” 

  • On an average week, how well do you think you do at living out Matthew 6:33? 

Prioritizing Relationships

During this section, we’ll take a look at parenting, marriage and singleness. We know that not everyone here has experienced all of these stages of life, but maybe everyone has something valuable to share and learn from each other. The encouragement here is participate in the conversation and listen to the perspectives of others.  

Parenting Well 

First let’s talk about parenting. During his message, Pastor Craig said: 

“One of the best ways to mess up your marriage is to be a child-centered parent.” Craig Groeschel 

  • How do you balance your responsibilities as a parent and as a spouse? 
  • How can you avoid making your children the center of your marriage? 

The best way to love your kids is to honor your spouse. Become a parent that is Christ-centered. 

Marriage | Becoming A Christ-Centered Spouse 

Pastor Craig also stressed the world tells us to be fulfilled, you have to find ‘the one.’ But Jesus is the One, so instead we find ‘the two.’  

  • How does placing Jesus as your 'one' and your spouse as your 'two' change the dynamic of a marriage? 
  • What differences do you perceive between Christians who are married and those in a Christ-centered marriage? 

Remember, there is a difference between Christians who are married, and a Christ-centered marriage. 

 Singleness and Wholeness 

Jesus’ words to seek first the kingdom apply to everyone, regardless of their marital status. 

  • Reflect on the statement, "Single is a whole number. You don’t have to be married to honor God." How does this go against what society expects about marriage? 
  • What practical steps can you take to ensure God remains the primary focus in your relationship, whether you're married or single? 

If you want a Christ-centered marriage in the future, live a Christ-centered life today. You don’t build a life of righteousness in the future on a foundation of sin today. 

The Power of Prayer in a Marriage

The practical application of the message this week was for spouses to pray together every day. If you apply this tool, it’ll change the trajectory of your marriage. 

  • Discuss the practical application mentioned: praying together every day. Have you tried this in your relationship? What impact did it have? 
  • How does praying together help in resolving conflicts and deepening the connection between couples? 

Applying the Message

Reflect on the steps mentioned for praying together:

keep it short, keep it consistent, and if you miss one day, don’t miss two. 

  • How can these steps be adapted for personal, family, or group prayer settings? 
  • Share personal experiences or thoughts about stepping out of the past and into healing as invited in the altar call response. How does acknowledging the need for God's presence facilitate this process? 

Pastor Craig gave couples an example prayer of where to start: “Dear God, keep us close to You, away from temptation, and always in Your will.”  


Before closing out, read this verse together and allow the Lord to remind you of the power of prayer in a gathering of believers. 

Matthew 18:19-20 (NIV) “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” 


The One Thing That Will Change Your Marriage by Craig Groeschel 

Hear it on audio podcast

Watch on YouTube 

Book: From This Day Forward: Five Commitments to Fail-Proof Your Marriage